About me

Welcome, everyone! I'm Emma Hubert, a dedicated student at the University of South Carolina, where I'm pursuing a major in Finance alongside a minor in Computer Science. What you're browsing through is the result of my hard work for the CSCE242 Web Applications courseā€”a website crafted over the span of a semester using HTML, CSS, and Javascript, encompassing both front and back end development.

Why a Storefront?

The topic of this webpage was entirely up to me, and after much consideration, I settled on a storefront. Storefronts have surged in popularity recently, and I wanted to channel that energy into an interactive platform for fellow shopping enthusiasts. Here, you'll find a curated experience designed to showcase amazing merchandise and provide an engaging browsing journey.

Thank you for dropping by, and I sincerely hope you enjoy exploring this space as much as I enjoyed creating it!